Namespaces | |
_private | |
Ecal | |
Logging | |
MCTruth | |
NtpTools | |
Rich | |
Tof | |
TrdK | |
TrTrack | |
Classes | |
class | Event |
Event object. More... | |
class | NAIAChain |
class | SkimTreeHandle |
Helper class to ease skimming operations. More... | |
class | DAQData |
Container class for DAQ info. More... | |
class | DAQ |
Accessor class for DAQ info. More... | |
class | EcalBaseData |
Container class for base Ecal info. More... | |
class | EcalPlusData |
Container class for additional Ecal info. More... | |
class | EcalBase |
Accessor class for EcalBase info. More... | |
class | EcalPlus |
Accessor class for EcalPlus info. More... | |
class | EventSummaryData |
Container class for base EventSummary info. More... | |
class | EventSummary |
Accessor class for EventSummary info. More... | |
class | FileInfo |
Container class for processed File information. More... | |
class | MCFileInfo |
Container class for additional MC File information. More... | |
class | HeaderData |
Container class for event Header info. More... | |
class | Header |
Accessor class for event Header info. More... | |
struct | MCParticle |
Simple struct to describe a MC particle. More... | |
class | MCTruthBaseData |
Container class for base MCTruth info. More... | |
class | MCTruthPlusData |
Container class for additional MCTruth info. More... | |
class | MCTruthBase |
Accessor class for MCTruthBase info. More... | |
class | MCTruthPlus |
Accessor class for MCTruthPlus info. More... | |
class | OnDemandContainer |
Mixin class to add "read-on-demand" behavior to an existing container class. More... | |
class | RichBaseData |
Container class for base Rich info. More... | |
class | RichBase |
Accessor class for base Rich info. More... | |
class | RichPlusData |
Container class for additional Rich info. More... | |
class | RichPlus |
Accessor class for additional Rich info. More... | |
class | RTIInfo |
Container class for RTI info. More... | |
class | TofBaseData |
Container class for base Tof info. More... | |
class | TofPlusData |
Container class for additional Tof info. More... | |
class | TofBase |
Accessor class for base Tof info. More... | |
class | TofPlus |
Accessor class for additional Tof info. More... | |
class | TofBaseStandalone |
Accessor class for base Tof info (standalone reconstruction) More... | |
class | TofPlusStandalone |
Accessor class for additional Tof info (standalone reconstruction) More... | |
class | TrdKBaseData |
Container class for base Trd info. More... | |
class | TrdKBase |
Accessor class for base TrdK info. More... | |
class | TrdKBaseStandalone |
Accessor class for base TrdK info (standalone reconstruction) More... | |
class | TrTrackBaseData |
Container class for base TrTrack info. More... | |
class | TrTrackPlusData |
Container class for additional TrTrack info. More... | |
class | TrTrackBase |
Accessor class for base TrTrack info. More... | |
class | TrTrackPlus |
Accessor class for additional TrTrack info. More... | |
class | SecondTrTrackBase |
Accessor class for base TrTrack info about the second track. More... | |
class | TrTrackBaseStandalone |
Accessor class for base TrTrack info reconstructed without Tof information. More... | |
class | UnbExtHitBaseData |
Container class for base unbiased external hits info. More... | |
class | UnbExtHitBase |
Accessor class for base unbiased external hits info. More... | |
class | NtpSelector |
class | Benchmark |
class | Stopwatch |
struct | EnableBitMaskOperators |
Type safe implementation of a bitmask enum. More... | |
struct | ReFitParameters |
Typedefs | |
template<class T > | |
using | EcalEnergyVariable = std::vector< T > |
template<class T > | |
using | EcalLikelihoodVariable = std::vector< T > |
template<class T > | |
using | EcalBDTVariable = std::vector< T > |
template<class T > | |
using | RichBetaVariable = std::map< Rich::BetaType, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TofChargeVariable = std::map< Tof::ChargeType, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TofBetaVariable = std::map< Tof::BetaType, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TofClusterTypeVariable = std::map< Tof::BetaClusterType, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TrdChargeVariable = std::vector< T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TrdLikelihoodVariable = std::vector< T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TrdLikelihoodRVariable = std::vector< T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TrdOnTrackVariable = std::vector< T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TrackChargeVariable = std::map< TrTrack::ChargeRecoType, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TrackFitVariable = std::map< TrTrack::Fit, std::map< TrTrack::Span, T >> |
template<class T > | |
using | TrackFitOnlyVariable = std::map< TrTrack::Fit, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TrackSideVariable = std::map< TrTrack::Side, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TrackFitPosVariable = std::map< TrTrack::FitPositionHeight, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | TrackDistanceVariable = std::map< TrTrack::DistanceFromTrack, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | HitChargeVariable = std::map< TrTrack::ChargeRecoType, T > |
template<class T > | |
using | LayerVariable = std::map< unsigned int, T > |
Enumerations | |
enum | Category { Category::None = 0, Category::HasTof = 1 << 0, Category::HasTrack = 1 << 1, Category::HasEcal = 1 << 2, Category::HasTrd = 1 << 3, Category::HasRich = 1 << 4, Category::HasTofStandalone = 1 << 5, Category::HasTrdStandalone = 1 << 6, Category::Charge1_Trk = 1 << 7, Category::Charge2_Trk = 1 << 8, Category::ChargeGT2_Trk = 1 << 9, Category::Charge1_Tof = 1 << 10, Category::Charge2_Tof = 1 << 11, Category::ChargeGT2_Tof = 1 << 12, Category::Charge1_Trk_St = 1 << 13, Category::Charge2_Trk_St = 1 << 14, Category::ChargeGT2_Trk_St = 1 << 15, Category::Charge1_Tof_St = 1 << 16, Category::Charge2_Tof_St = 1 << 17, Category::ChargeGT2_Tof_St = 1 << 18 } |
Functions | |
bool | operator== (const NAIAChain::EventItr &lhs, const NAIAChain::EventItr &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (const NAIAChain::EventItr &lhs, const NAIAChain::EventItr &rhs) |
NAIAChain::EventItr | begin (NAIAChain &chain) |
NAIAChain::EventItr | end (NAIAChain &chain) |
std::vector< std::string > | TokenizeString (const std::string &input, const char separator) |
Utility function that splits a string according to the provided separator. More... | |
template<typename T , size_t N, typename Key > | |
std::enable_if < std::is_convertible< Key, size_t >::value, bool >::type | ContainsKeys (const std::array< T, N > &container, Key key) |
template<typename T , typename Key , typename Value > | |
std::enable_if < std::is_convertible< T, Key > ::value, bool >::type | KeyExists (T key, const std::map< Key, Value > &container) |
template<typename T , typename Value > | |
std::enable_if < std::is_convertible< T, size_t >::value, bool >::type | KeyExists (T key, const std::vector< Value > &container) |
template<typename T , typename Key , typename Value > | |
std::enable_if < std::is_convertible< T, Key > ::value, bool >::type | ContainsKeys (const std::map< Key, Value > &container, T key) |
template<typename T , typename Key > | |
std::enable_if < std::is_convertible< Key, size_t >::value, bool >::type | ContainsKeys (const std::vector< T > &container, Key key) |
template<typename T , typename Key , typename... Keys, typename Value > | |
std::enable_if < std::is_convertible< T, Key > ::value, bool >::type | ContainsKeys (const std::map< Key, Value > &container, T key, Keys...keys) |
template<typename T , typename Key , typename... Keys> | |
std::enable_if < std::is_convertible< Key, size_t >::value, bool >::type | ContainsKeys (const std::vector< T > &container, Key key, Keys...keys) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, Enum >::type | operator| (const Enum lhs, const Enum rhs) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, Enum >::type | operator& (const Enum lhs, const Enum rhs) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, Enum >::type | operator^ (const Enum lhs, const Enum rhs) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, Enum >::type | operator~ (const Enum rhs) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, Enum >::type | operator!= (const Enum lhs, const Enum rhs) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, Enum >::type | operator|= (Enum &lhs, const Enum rhs) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, Enum >::type | operator&= (Enum &lhs, const Enum rhs) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, Enum >::type | operator^= (Enum &lhs, const Enum rhs) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, bool >::type | MatchAnyBit (const Enum test, const Enum ones, const Enum zeroes=static_cast< Enum >(0)) |
template<typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, bool >::type | MatchAllBits (const Enum test, const Enum ones, const Enum zeroes=static_cast< Enum >(0)) |
template<int N, typename Enum > | |
std::enable_if < EnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > ::enable, std::string >::type | to_string_binary (const Enum rhs) |
auto | getLogger (const std::string &fnName) |
Create a new logger with a given function name. More... | |
MCParticle | GetMCParticle (const MCEventgR &mcp) |
unsigned int | TkIDToLayerJ (int tkID) |
MCTruthPlusData::TrMCHit | GetTrMCHit (TrTrackR *pTrTrack, unsigned int jLayer, double match_radius=0.1) |
template<typename ValueType , long unsigned int N> | |
constexpr int | FindBin (ValueType value, const std::array< ValueType, N > &bins) |
template<typename ValueType > | |
int | FindBin (ValueType value, const std::map< unsigned int, std::pair< ValueType, ValueType >> &bins) |
static bool | TrackHasExtHits (TrTrackR *trackPtr, Span span) |
void | ComputePatterns (TrTrackR *trackPtr) |
ReFitParameters | InitTrkReFit (float inner_charge, bool _isMC, float production_charge) |
Variables | |
static const std::unordered_map < std::string, std::function < void(Event &)> > | evDisablers |
static float | amu = 0.93146 |
auto | particleSorter |
static constexpr double | Re = 6372.795477598e5 |
auto | GoodParticle |
static constexpr float | threshold = 15 |
static constexpr float | TRDCenter = 115 |
static std::array< unsigned long int, numSpans > | patterns = {3, 5, 6, 7, 0, 0, 3} |
std::array< int, numFits > | fitAlgoCode {1, 6, 7} |
static constexpr std::array < double, 9 > | powersOfTen = {1, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8} |
using NAIA::EcalBDTVariable = typedef std::vector<T> |
One number for each BDT type. Uses the Ecal::BDTType enum for access
using NAIA::EcalEnergyVariable = typedef std::vector<T> |
One number for each energy reconstruction type. Uses the Ecal::EnergyRecoType enum for access
using NAIA::EcalLikelihoodVariable = typedef std::vector<T> |
One number for each likelihood type. Uses the Ecal::LikelihoodType enum for access
using NAIA::HitChargeVariable = typedef std::map<TrTrack::ChargeRecoType, T> |
One number for each Tracker charge reconstruction type. Uses the TrTrack::ChargeRecoType enum for access
Definition at line 29 of file UnbExtHit.h.
using NAIA::RichBetaVariable = typedef std::map<Rich::BetaType, T> |
One number for each RICH beta reconstruction type. Uses the Rich::BetaType enum for access
using NAIA::TofBetaVariable = typedef std::map<Tof::BetaType, T> |
One number for each Tof beta reconstruction type. Uses the Tof::BetaType enum for access
using NAIA::TofChargeVariable = typedef std::map<Tof::ChargeType, T> |
One number for each kind of Tof charge (total, upper or lower tof). Uses the Tof::ChargeType enum for access
using NAIA::TofClusterTypeVariable = typedef std::map<Tof::BetaClusterType, T> |
One number for each Tof cluster type. Uses the Tof::BetaClusterType enum for access
using NAIA::TrackChargeVariable = typedef std::map<TrTrack::ChargeRecoType, T> |
One number for each Tracker charge reconstruction type. Uses the TrTrack::ChargeRecoType enum for access
using NAIA::TrackDistanceVariable = typedef std::map<TrTrack::DistanceFromTrack, T> |
One number for each distance-from-the-track value. Uses the TrTrack::DistanceFromTrack enum for access
using NAIA::TrackFitOnlyVariable = typedef std::map<TrTrack::Fit, T> |
One number for each Track fit type. Uses the TrTrack::Fit enum for access
using NAIA::TrackFitPosVariable = typedef std::map<TrTrack::FitPositionHeight, T> |
One number for each fixed z-position in the Tracker. Uses the TrTrack::FitPositionHeight enum for access
using NAIA::TrackFitVariable = typedef std::map<TrTrack::Fit, std::map<TrTrack::Span, T>> |
One number for each track fitting type, and for each track span type (in order to properly define a track you need both). Uses the TrTrack::Fit and TrTrack::Span enums for access. Use the TrTrackBase::FitIDExists helper function to check that a given entry exists in the container
using NAIA::TrackSideVariable = typedef std::map<TrTrack::Side, T> |
One number for each Tracker side. Uses the TrTrack::Side enum for access
using NAIA::TrdChargeVariable = typedef std::vector<T> |
One number for each TRD charge reconstruction type (Total, upper or lower half). Uses the TrdK::ChargeType enum for access
using NAIA::TrdLikelihoodRVariable = typedef std::vector<T> |
One number for each TRD likelihood ratio type (e/p, e/He, p/He). Uses the TrdK::LikelihoodRType enum for access
using NAIA::TrdLikelihoodVariable = typedef std::vector<T> |
One number for each TRD likelihood type (e, p, d, He). Uses the TrdK::LikelihoodType enum for access
using NAIA::TrdOnTrackVariable = typedef std::vector<T> |
One number for on-track / off-track TRD hits. Uses the TrdK::QualType enum for access
inline |
Definition at line 297 of file NAIAChain.h.
Referenced by NAIA::NtpTools::ExpandTextFilelist(), FindBin(), GetTrMCHit(), and NAIA::NtpTools::LoadInputFiles().
void NAIA::ComputePatterns | ( | TrTrackR * | trackPtr | ) |
Definition at line 36 of file TrTrackFill.cpp.
References NAIA::TrTrack::LowerHalfInner, patterns, powersOfTen, and NAIA::TrTrack::UpperHalfInner.
inline |
Definition at line 298 of file NAIAChain.h.
References NAIA::NAIAChain::GetEntries().
Referenced by ContainsKeys(), NAIA::NAIAChain::CreateSkimTree(), NAIA::TrTrackPlusData::Dump(), NAIA::NtpTools::ExpandTextFilelist(), FindBin(), NAIA::TrTrackBaseData::FitIDExists(), GetTrMCHit(), NAIA::UnbExtHitBaseData::IsHitPresent(), KeyExists(), NAIA::NtpTools::LoadInputFiles(), and TokenizeString().
constexpr int NAIA::FindBin | ( | ValueType | value, |
const std::array< ValueType, N > & | bins | ||
) |
Definition at line 16 of file RTIInfoFill.cpp.
int NAIA::FindBin | ( | ValueType | value, |
const std::map< unsigned int, std::pair< ValueType, ValueType >> & | bins | ||
) |
Definition at line 22 of file RTIInfoFill.cpp.
inline |
Create a new logger with a given function name.
fnName | the logger name |
Definition at line 18 of file Logging.h.
Referenced by NAIA::NAIAChain::CheckVersion(), NAIA::NAIAChain::CreateSkimTree(), NAIA::NAIAChain::GetFileInfoTree(), NAIA::NAIAChain::GetRTITree(), main(), NAIA::_private::LimitedWarning< times_to_run >::operator()(), and NAIA::NAIAChain::SetEntryList().
MCParticle NAIA::GetMCParticle | ( | const MCEventgR & | mcp | ) |
Definition at line 11 of file MCTruthFill.cpp.
References amu, and NAIA::MCParticle::Momentum.
MCTruthPlusData::TrMCHit NAIA::GetTrMCHit | ( | TrTrackR * | pTrTrack, |
unsigned int | jLayer, | ||
double | match_radius = 0.1 |
) |
Definition at line 40 of file MCTruthFill.cpp.
References begin(), NAIA::MCTruthPlusData::TrMCHit::Coo, end(), NAIA::MCTruthPlusData::TrMCHit::Mom, and NAIA::MCTruthPlusData::TrMCHit::pID.
ReFitParameters NAIA::InitTrkReFit | ( | float | inner_charge, |
bool | _isMC, | ||
float | production_charge | ||
) |
Definition at line 82 of file TrTrackFill.cpp.
References NAIA::ReFitParameters::charge.
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, bool>::type NAIA::MatchAllBits | ( | const Enum | test, |
const Enum | ones, | ||
const Enum | zeroes = static_cast<Enum>(0) |
) |
Definition at line 89 of file bitmask.h.
Referenced by NAIA::HeaderData::CheckMask(), NAIA::Event::CheckMask(), and NAIA::NtpSelector::UProcessCut().
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, bool>::type NAIA::MatchAnyBit | ( | const Enum | test, |
const Enum | ones, | ||
const Enum | zeroes = static_cast<Enum>(0) |
) |
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, Enum>::type NAIA::operator!= | ( | const Enum | lhs, |
const Enum | rhs | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 295 of file NAIAChain.h.
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, Enum>::type NAIA::operator& | ( | const Enum | lhs, |
const Enum | rhs | ||
) |
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, Enum>::type NAIA::operator&= | ( | Enum & | lhs, |
const Enum | rhs | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 291 of file NAIAChain.h.
References NAIA::NAIAChain::EventItr::m_chain, and NAIA::NAIAChain::EventItr::m_entry.
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, Enum>::type NAIA::operator^ | ( | const Enum | lhs, |
const Enum | rhs | ||
) |
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, Enum>::type NAIA::operator^= | ( | Enum & | lhs, |
const Enum | rhs | ||
) |
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, Enum>::type NAIA::operator| | ( | const Enum | lhs, |
const Enum | rhs | ||
) |
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, Enum>::type NAIA::operator|= | ( | Enum & | lhs, |
const Enum | rhs | ||
) |
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, Enum>::type NAIA::operator~ | ( | const Enum | rhs | ) |
unsigned int NAIA::TkIDToLayerJ | ( | int | tkID | ) |
Definition at line 25 of file MCTruthFill.cpp.
std::enable_if<EnableBitMaskOperators<Enum>::enable, std::string>::type NAIA::to_string_binary | ( | const Enum | rhs | ) |
inline |
Utility function that splits a string according to the provided separator.
Mainly used internally to parse the AMS datacard. Available anyway since it looks very useful.
input | The string to split |
separator | The character deciding when to split the string |
Definition at line 30 of file Utils.h.
References end().
Referenced by NAIA::NAIAChain::CreateSkimTree().
static |
Definition at line 15 of file TrTrackFill.cpp.
References NAIA::TrTrack::FullSpan, NAIA::TrTrack::InnerL1, NAIA::TrTrack::InnerL9, NAIA::TrTrack::InnerNoMS, NAIA::TrTrack::InnerOnly, NAIA::TrTrack::LowerHalfInner, and NAIA::TrTrack::UpperHalfInner.
static |
Definition at line 9 of file MCTruthFill.cpp.
Referenced by GetMCParticle().
static |
Definition at line 249 of file NAIAChain.cpp.
Referenced by NAIA::NAIAChain::CreateSkimTree().
std::array<int, numFits> NAIA::fitAlgoCode {1, 6, 7} |
Definition at line 14 of file TrTrackFill.cpp.
auto NAIA::GoodParticle |
Definition at line 28 of file RTIInfoFill.cpp.
auto NAIA::particleSorter |
Definition at line 77 of file MCTruthFill.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 13 of file TrTrackFill.cpp.
Referenced by ComputePatterns().
static |
Definition at line 34 of file TrTrackFill.cpp.
Referenced by ComputePatterns().
static |
Definition at line 13 of file RTIInfoFill.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 8 of file TrdKFill.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 9 of file TrdKFill.cpp.