33 template <
class T>
using TrackFitVariable = std::map<TrTrack::Fit, std::map<TrTrack::Span, T>>;
76 void Fill(TrTrackR *trackPtr);
77 void FillElectronVars(TrTrackR *trackPtr,
bool refitKalman =
79 void SetBeta(
double beta) {
_beta = beta; }
80 void SetMC(
bool isMC) {
_isMC = isMC; }
177 void Fill(TrTrackR *trackPtr);
178 void FillElectronVars(TrTrackR *trackPtr,
float zEcalCOG,
bool refitKalman =
LayerVariable< TrackFitOnlyVariable< float > > PartialRigidity
Rigidity obtained from a fit where the hit on an a given layer 'i' is not considered. This variable is provided only for negative rigidity events and for positive events is prescaled with a factor 1/100. See TrTrack::Fit and TrTrack::Span for available fits and spans.
std::map< TrTrack::Fit, std::map< TrTrack::Span, T >> TrackFitVariable
LayerVariable< TrackDistanceVariable< TrackSideVariable< unsigned int > > > NClusters
Total number of tracker clusters for each layer, within a given distance from the track...
TrackFitPosVariable< TrackFitVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > > TrTrackFitPos
Track X and Y position at different heights in AMS and for each available fit and span...
TrackFitVariable< int > _fit_ID
LayerVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > LayerEdep
Track hit (X and Y-side) energy deposition for each layer.
std::map< TrTrack::DistanceFromTrack, T > TrackDistanceVariable
LayerVariable< TrackFitOnlyVariable< float > > PartialInvRigErr
Inverse rigidity error obtained from a fit where a given layer 'i' was excluded. This variable is pro...
OnDemandContainer container class description.
LayerVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > TrTrackHitPos
X and Y position of hit on each layer, if available.
LayerVariable< float > ClusterSignalRatio
Ratio between cluster amplitude and its neighbouring 10 strips, for each layer.
std::map< TrTrack::FitPositionHeight, T > TrackFitPosVariable
std::map< TrTrack::ChargeRecoType, T > TrackChargeVariable
bool FitIDExists(TrTrack::Fit fit, TrTrack::Span span) const
Check if a given combination of fit and span is available for this track.
LayerVariable< TrackChargeVariable< float > > LayerChargeXY
Track hit charge (for each single layer, using both sides clusters) for each available reconstruction...
LayerVariable< int > LayerChargeStatus
Track hit charge reconstruction status for each layer (this is a bitmask, see TrClusterR::GetQStatus ...
TrackChargeVariable< float > InnerChargeRMS
Track charge RMS (inner tracker only) for each charge reconstruction. See TrTrack::ChargeRecoType for...
void Dump() const
Dump on screen container content.
std::map< TrTrack::Fit, T > TrackFitOnlyVariable
Container class for base Trd info.
LayerVariable< float > TrackFeetDistance
Track distance to the inner tracker supporting feet for each layer.
LayerVariable< TrackDistanceVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > > ClustersEdep
Total energy deposition of tracker clusters for each layer, within a given distance from the track...
float Phi
phi of track direction in AMS coordinate system
LayerVariable< TrackFitOnlyVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > > PartialTrChiSq
Normalized chi-square obtained from a fit where a given layer 'i' was excluded. This variable is prov...
LayerVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > MaxClusterDistance
Distance from the track of the cluster with the highest energy deposition for each layer...
std::map< unsigned int, T > LayerVariable
Container class for base TrTrack info.
TrackFitVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > TrChiSq
Normalized track chi-square (X and Y) for each available fit and span. See TrTrack::Fit and TrTrack::...
std::map< TrTrack::Side, T > TrackSideVariable
TrTrack::Span GetBestSpan(TrTrack::Fit fit=TrTrack::Fit::Choutko) const
Get the best Span available for this track.
TrackChargeVariable< float > UnbiasedCharge
"Unbiased" tracker charge for each charge reconstruction. It is a simple truncated mean between the h...
Mixin class to add "read-on-demand" behavior to an existing container class.
float GetGeomCorrectedRigidity(TrTrack::Fit fit, TrTrack::Span span, TrTrack::TrGeometry trGeom=TrTrack::TrGeometry::Default) const
Get the Rigidity variable after applying the geometry volume correction.
TrackChargeVariable< float > InnerCharge
Track charge (inner tracker only) for each available reconstruction. See TrTrack::ChargeRecoType for ...
LayerVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > MaxClusterEdep
Max cluster energy deposit for each layer, for each side.
void Clear()
Clear container content.
TrackChargeVariable< float > ChargeRMS
Track charge RMS (including external layers) for each charge reconstruction. See TrTrack::ChargeRecoT...
Container class for additional TrTrack info.
LayerVariable< TrackChargeVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > > LayerCharge
Track hit charge (X and Y-side) for each layer, for each charge reconstruction. See TrTrack::ChargeRe...
TrackFitVariable< float > InvRigErr
Error on the deflection ( = 1 / rigidity) estimation, for each available fit and span. See TrTrack::Fit and TrTrack::Span for available fits and spans.
Accessor class for additional TrTrack info.
float Theta
theta of track direction in AMS coordinate system
Accessor class for base TrTrack info.
static const std::string BranchName
float GetGeomCorrectedRigidityTOI(TrTrack::Fit fit, TrTrack::Span span, TrTrack::TrGeometry trGeom=TrTrack::TrGeometry::Default) const
Get the RigidityTOI variable after applying the geometry volume correction.
TrackFitVariable< int > _fit_ID
needed to get basic info without computing twice
float GetGeomCorrectedRigidityCorr(TrTrack::Fit fit, TrTrack::Span span, TrTrack::TrGeometry trGeom=TrTrack::TrGeometry::Default) const
Get the RigidityCorr variable after applying the geometry volume correction.
TrackFitVariable< float > Rigidity
Track rigidity for each available fit and span. See TrTrack::Fit and TrTrack::Span for available fits...
static const std::string BranchName
TrackFitVariable< float > RigidityTOI
Track rigidity at Top-Of-Instrument for each available fit and span (only available for Kalman fit)...
TrackChargeVariable< float > Charge
Track charge (including external layers) for each available reconstruction. See TrTrack::ChargeRecoTy...
const TrTrackBaseData * trkBase
TrackFitVariable< float > RigidityCorr
Track rigidity, corrected for time-dependent rigidity scale shifts, for each available fit and span...
void Dump() const
Dump on screen container content.
LayerVariable< TrackFitVariable< TrackSideVariable< float > > > TrTrackResidual
Track X and Y residuals in each layer for each available fit and span. See TrTrack::Fit and TrTrack::...
void Clear()
Clear container content.