12 #include "TrdKCluster.h"
88 void Fill(TrdKCluster *trdkPtr, TrTrackR *pTrTrack);
90 void SetBeta(
double beta) {
_beta = beta; }
bool ChargeStatus
Charge reconstruction status.
std::vector< T > TrdOnTrackVariable
void Clear()
Clear container content.
float Cleanliness
Cleanliness. Whatever this means. I don't know, go ask Kounine.
TrdKBaseData(bool standalone)
Constructor used by standalone version of container.
OnDemandContainer container class description.
Accessor class for base TrdK info.
TrdLikelihoodRVariable< double > LikelihoodRatio
Trd likelihood ratio estimator. See TrdK::LikelihoodRType for list of available types.
const TrTrackBaseData * trkBase
TrdChargeVariable< float > Charge
Reconstructed charge in different Trd regions. See TrdK::ChargeType for list of available regions...
std::vector< T > TrdLikelihoodRVariable
const TVector3 & GetLinePoint() const
Get the origin of the TrdK clusters linear fit.
LayerVariable< float > Edep
Energy deposition in each Trd layer.
Container class for base Trd info.
bool CalibStatus
Calibration status.
std::vector< T > TrdLikelihoodVariable
std::map< unsigned int, T > LayerVariable
void Dump() const
Dump on screen container content.
Container class for base TrTrack info.
Mixin class to add "read-on-demand" behavior to an existing container class.
TrdLikelihoodVariable< double > Likelihood
Trd likelihood estimator. See TrdK::LikelihoodType for list of available types.
TVector3 InterpolateAtZ(float z) const
Get Trd track interpolation at given height.
static const std::string BranchName
TrTrack container class description.
float IPChi2
Impact point chi-square. Whatever this means. I don't know, go ask Kounine.
TrdOnTrackVariable< float > Amps
Sum of the amplitude of reconstructed hits on and off main track. See TrdK::QualType for list of avai...
std::vector< TVector3 > m_pointAndDir
TrdOnTrackVariable< int > NHits
Number of reconstructed hits on and off main track. See TrdK::QualType for list of available types...
static const std::string BranchName
bool AlignStatus
Alignment status.
LayerVariable< float > Pathlength
Estimated particle pathlength in each Trd layer.
const TVector3 & GetLineDirection() const
Get the direction of the TrdK clusters linear fit.
std::vector< T > TrdChargeVariable
Accessor class for base TrdK info (standalone reconstruction)